It would be easier for me to count the stars in the sky than to try and explain all the reasons that I am thankful for you. I love you more than words can describe and I know this letter could never begin to give you an idea of what you mean to me, but it’s a good start.
As a little girl, I remember you letting me stand on a chair beside the stove so I could watch you cook breakfast the morning after I would spend the night. You would even let me use food coloring so that the eggs would look “fun”. I was always cooking something that looked like it came right out of a Dr. Seuss book. We would go outside in the afternoons and rake up all the leaves that had fallen off the trees. The piles made for the perfect fire that we would pretend to roast “shmarshmallows” on (which were actually just more leaves). You always taught me to use my imagination. I use to get you to draw maps of the house and then hide stuff so that I could follow clues and find the items. There’s no doubt those times shaped me into the FBI profiler that I want to be today. When I stayed the night, I would lay in bed with you and listen as you read “The Missing Piece” over and over. I always loved hearing you animate the characters in the story.
These moments and so many more are some of my greatest memories. You made it to my softball games, my award ceremonies, and my dance performances. There was never a holiday that we weren’t celebrating together, and you always made a big deal out of my birthday.
Today, as a 20-year-old college student, the only thing that has changed in our relationship is the physical distance. I am four hours away from home, but my heart is still right there with you. There is nothing like hearing my phone go off and seeing your face pop up on the screen.
Not only did you teach me how to have fun, but you also taught me what true love was. I’ve seen you stay up late nights to help my grandmother when she wasn’t feeling good. You would wait on her hand and foot when she needed you, and you never once complained. I would watch as you played Scrabble or crossword puzzles with her for hours just because they were her favorite. My standards are so high to this day for the man who pursues my heart because I want nothing less than a man who loves as hard as you do. You taught me to love the Lord and to pray without cease. On my worst days, I could call you and you would drop everything to pray with me. You told me to always have your families back, no matter how hard the times got. You would forgive those who had wronged you because it was a judgement of your character, not theirs.
At the end of every day, I know I have a support system that keeps me on both feet at all times. I never have to wonder if I am loved, cared for, or looked after. Thank you for asking me about my life every time you call. Thank you for praying for me every day. Thank you for teaching me to work hard and laugh harder. Thank you for filling my childhood with smiles and happiness. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for always having my back. Thank you for telling me how proud you are of me all the time. Thank you for helping me rationalize my problems when I stress over little things. Thank you for playing a role in every part of my life and above all else.. thank you for being my hero.