Dear Alpha Omega,
I have always moved from place to place never really getting to make strong connections with those around me.
This started to get to me and then around my sophomore year of highschool my bipolar disorder to started to manifest itself. I then moved to Crete Nebraska to start my college journey.
Orientation weekend pass and classes started and I began to feel isolated in my mind again. It was then a regulator night of me watching Netflix and then I heard a knock at my door and it was Paul Dewey and Brandon Watson, among other whom were selling items for their Butler dance. I don't remember exactly how the conversation went, but I hit off with them immensely.
I ended up rushing Alpha Omega and the ensuing Greek Week was one of the most challenging experiences I have ever gone through but I wouldn't change anything about it. Alpha Omega has done so much for me and continues to do so much for me. I want to thank everyone in the fraternity Alumni and Actives for a number of things.
I want to thank a number of my brothers who were there for me in my darkest moments when I was contemplating suicide and they talked me out of it; so I literally owe my life to this fraternity. I want to thank this fraternity for giving me the confidence to speak my mind to anyone. I want to thank my fraternity in giving me the confidence to talk to girls whom before hand would give me an anxiety attack if I even approached them.
I want to thank my fraternity for teaching me the importance of giving back to your community via highway cleanup or other various community service projects. I want to thanks Alpha Omega Alumni for telling me stories of their time in Alpha Omega. I would also like to thank the Alpha Omega Alumni for providing me a scholarship to help pay for school. I want to thank my Active brothers individually right now as well.
Brandon; I want to thank you for being one of my best friends and Role models. I truly look up to you even if you don't notice it. You always know what to say to make me laugh.
Arty; You are one of the hardest working people I know at Doane. Despite your disability you continue to work your hardest academically and I can't help but be inspired to also work my hardest.
Josh; I can always ask you tips on being a teacher because you are one of the most professional people I know and in turn I know I can't go wrong with asking you for help.
Andrew; I admire you more than you might ever know. You are able to juggle having a child, having a job and going to school all at the same time, and you invest so much into this group.
Drew; you and I share a passion for Anime and just get along so well. You and I can talk about most anything and you can make me laugh.
Aaron; Although we give you a hard time for being old - I want to thank you for serving our country and now getting a degree.
Nolan; I want to thank you for so much, For always being there for me, for saving my life on multiple occasions. For always believing in my acting skills even when I did not.
Chandler; I have already seen you grown so much while in this group, you need to teach me to golf sometime! I thank you for showing so much passion for everything you do
Ky; I want to thank you for going on that silly Easter egg hunt with me. I want to thank you for always income me to come hangout. You are a confident man and you'll do so
Much for this group!
Kaleb; I want to thank you for always being there for me man. I can talk to you about basketball any day of the week.
Again, I want to thank my whole Alpha Omega family for making me the man I am today. This fraternity is my life, has saved my life and will continue to be my life.
Austin Plourde