The first year of college is very intimidating and you experience so many new things. It's easier to experience new things when you have your close friends around, but starting college, the majority of people don't have their best friends with them. I was so worried to have to start over with friends when I first came to college. With the awesome friends I had in high school, I didn't think I'd find anyone that I'd be able to relate and connect with as much. Luckily I met some pretty amazing people in college and I now don't know how I'm going to survive the summer without seeing them everyday. To the friends I made my first year in college; thank you.
Thank you for accepting me
I can be my total self around you and that's not always easy for everyone to do. You completely accept my weird self and can be weird right along with me. I have no problem expressing my views and talking about deep topics because you don't judge me about anything. You've seen me at my highs and my lows and still choose to stick around.
Thank you for encouraging me
Whether that be to study for that important exam I've been complaining about or to take a break from doing homework and watch a movie because I'm stressed out. You encourage me to have fun but do also do well in school. You keep me grounded and always help me make the right decision.
Thank you for making college more fun
Without you I don't know if I would have been able to stay here for another year. Having friends is such an important part of feeling like you belong somewhere and you all helped me find my home away from home. From eating pizza at late hours to watching countless numbers of movies, we always have a good time together.
Thank you for experiencing new things with me
With so much new going on in our lives, it can be a very scary time. I'm so glad that I was able to experience so many things for the first time with you guys. With those new experiences came memories that will last a lifetime. From our first day of classes to our first finals week to so many other experiences, thank you for being there right along side me.
Thank you for being you
As important as it is for me to be myself, I am so glad that you feel comfortable enough to be yourself around me. I enjoy all of your weird habits and hearing your stories from high school. Thanks for letting me get to know you, the real you.