You deserve some major treats. Seriously.
Dogs are the best friends we will ever have. They are the best emotional support and they don't judge you when you eat a whole tub of ice cream by yourself, they just wish you would give them a bite or two. All dogs really want and need is our love, and that is one of the easiest things that we can give them.
Thank you dogs for always being excited to see us when we get home from a rough day at work. Coming home to this love really does help. You really know how to make us feel needed and loved when we need it the most. When we are sick or just not feeling well, you can sense it and you comfort us in ways that we do not deserve. You lay beside us in our beds all day and cuddle us, sneezes and all. Thanks for appreciating us as your owners. It makes the responsibility that much easier with every tail wag we get along the way.
Thank you for motivating us to stay active by keeping you up and active. On the days where we don't even want to move, you encourage us to play with you. We go outside with you and run around, we take you on walks because we know that you need it but that we also need it too. We need to have some fun and play every now and then, it keeps us healthy and happy. On another note, thank you for also being down to be lazy and cuddle on the couch with us all night. When we want to lay in our pajamas and watch Netflix all day, you are ready to take a nap beside us.
Thank you for providing service to the people that need it the most. Whether it is helping those who are handicapped or helping cops and rescue teams with their jobs. Dogs are life savers, literally. They help people struggling with mental health issues find reasons to stick around and strive to be happy by showing them the love that everyone deserves to be shown. Dogs can help those people with anxiety by being a constant calming factor in their lives and making a huge difference in reported happiness.
Thank you for showing us what unconditional love and forgiveness looks like. I have never seen more unconditional love in my life than I have seen in relationships with dogs. They love you no matter what you do. When it seems like everyone you know is mad at you or that the world is out to get you, dogs remind you that you are loved by them. When we forget to take you for a walk or even when we take our bad day stress out on you by not being as friendly as usual, you never hold it against us.
Humans are forever in your debt, and we can only repay you in belly rubs and milk bones. Hope that is okay!