Dear Kicks Dance Center,
Thank you for some of the best years of my life. For 13 years, no matter what was going on in my life, I knew that I always had you to return to. One night a week, I was able to escape off to my second home and be with my second family. For that, all I can do is thank you. Saying goodbye to you was one of the hardest things I've had to do so far in my life. Of course, I'm not going to miss any recitals in the coming years.
Thank you for being the best instructors I could ever ask for.
Thank you for never giving up on me and always pushing me to succeed. Even if I gave up on myself, you pushed me until I believed in myself. You also created an environment that turned the dance floor into a home for me. I learned to trust what you wanted me to do, and perform to my very best ability. Whenever I made a mistake, you didn't dwell on it, but instead, pushed me to try harder and keep practicing. You made it worth it for me to say "I can't, I have dance." Of course, you also instilled in me a love of sequins and glitter, something that my non-dancer friends never quite understood.
Thank you for my lifelong best friends.
Throughout all of those years at dance, I loved all of you girls (and guys!) that were by my side through everything. Sure, the class changed year after year, but our bond didn't. I wouldn't give up our memories for anything. Some of the best times of my life involve sitting on the floor in the studio and goofing off while we waited to rehearse. Every time I see a picture from backstage at a recital, I'm immediately transported back to a time of laughs and a lot of hairspray. Thank you for laughing along with me when we messed up a dance, and loving me unconditionally. I know our friendship will last because who else knows me like you? I miss you all so much.
Thank you for breaking me out of my shell.
For a long time, nothing seemed to be able to shake my shyness. However, the first time I really felt confident in myself was on stage performing. Through years of having to perform as characters, there was no longer any room for me to be reserved, and my only choice was to break free from the shell that held me back. As a result, making friends in college was so much easier, and I owe that all to you.
Finally, thank you for molding me into the person that I am today.
I owe most of who I am to you. When I wasn't at school or at home, I was in the studio. I was growing up surrounded by my best friends, and owe a lot of my personality to the lessons that I learned in the studio. I learned to never give up when something doesn't go right the first time, and to not get lazy. After all, nothing is worse than lazy bent spaghetti arms.