As the first semester comes to a close and we say our goodbyes for the next month, I realized how hard it will be to spend 4 (ish) weeks away from all of you. Thinking about the holidays, I am more than excited to spend this time with my family and high school friends, but it won't be the same without you all being within a 5 to 10 minute radius from me at all times. You've made college home and you've become like a family to me.
It amazes me that six months ago I didn't know who most of you were. Then, move-in-day came and we all met at hall meetings, freshman orientation, or in class, not knowing what was in store for any of us. Fortunately, I had an amazing high school experience where I made lifelong friends, and I was more than ready to do the same here. Luckily, within the first couple weeks I got to know some of the funniest, happiest, and nicest people I've ever met.
Even though it has been four months, I wanted to thank you all for everything you have done for me and everyone you've met this past semester. Thank you for dropping everything and going off campus with me, eating pints of ice cream and talking about life, and always knowing how to have fun. Thank you for sharing your closets and makeup techniques with me, because I am incapable of doing that on my own. Thank you for looking past all of the dumb things I say and pretend to think it's funny. Thank you for staying up with me in the library, helping me with my homework, and teaching me basic life skills that I would've never figured out otherwise.
Thank you for telling me to be quiet when I go off on a rant about how Grey's Anatomy actually parallels real life. If you are a science major, thank you for reminding me that Grey's Anatomy is not like real life. Thank you for letting me talk to you in my attempt to procrastinate doing my homework.Thank you for not getting mad at me when I attempted to granny shoot three pointers at any opportunity I had during our intramural basketball games. Thank you for all the dance parties, jam sessions, movie nights, and late night talks. If you are an upperclassmen, thank you for allowing yourself to be seen talking to a weird freshman like me. If you are a freshman, thank you for sticking around because you have had plenty of opportunities to jump ship. But most importantly, thank you for making campus more like home. I wouldn't have been able to make it through first semester without you.
Your crazy, strange humored, oddly talkative, loud friend.