To My Church Family,
Thank you.
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Thank you.
Thank you.
I don't know if I can say that enough. You mean the world to me. My faith would not be nearly as strong as it is now without you. You have seen me at my worst and you have seen me at my best. Yet, somehow, I never felt unloved or unwanted no matter what was going on.
When I was broken you didn't turn me away, instead you embraced me and my brokenness. I fell so many times I lost count, but you helped me get back up every single time. You didn't judge me or tell me how horrible and screwed up I was, even though I was convinced that was what I deserved.
I feel comfortable being myself around you. Showing my brokenness, doubts, and pain. I don't have to be afraid of making a fool of myself, because you are always there being silly right along with me. You accept me for who I am including my weird quirks and obsessions. You have never asked me to be something I am not.
I carry around thousands of beautiful memories with me. Church camp every single summer and all the crazy things we did including making T-shirts for the Fourth of July. All the concerts and jamming out in the youth room. The weekend conferences and retreats that always happened at the perfect time, right when getting away with my brothers and sisters in Christ was the exact thing I needed. Worshiping together at the conferences and concerts in huge arenas with thousands of other people. All the times I cried my eyes out, because the power of God was so strong and I couldn't hold it in any longer. Countless volleyball games. All of these things and so many more fill my heart. The memories I have with you are some of my most cherished memories.
I don't know where I would be without your guidance and support. Even when I wanted nothing to do with God, you still stuck by me and reminded me of His unconditional love. You force me out of my comfort zone. You encourage me to take risks even though it is terrifying, especially when it is terrifying. You remind me to trust God's plan for my life when everything feels like it is falling apart. You give me a safe place to feel and break down and cry. You have given me lifelong friendships that I wouldn't trade for anything.
So thank you for everything you have done for me- the memories, the friendship, the support, the love. I hope that I have been able to give back to you a fraction of what you have given me.
Thank you.