To My Furry Feline Friends,
Thank you for your endless cuddles and mounds of cat hair that is left on my pants whenever I leave the house. I appreciate the time we share together, even when it consists of you pawing at my until I give you attention or when you decide my head is the best place to reside. I can not thank you enough for all of the times you comforted me when you knew I was down, and you rubbed your furry little face up against mine and let out that cute little meow, reminding me you were not going to leave my side. I am inspired by the way you can stay up all hours of the night and not feel guilty about sleeping all day, and repeating the cycle for the rest of the week. I wish I could do that. Without you I would be alone, with no one to talk to at night when it is dark and lonely. Without you, I would have no one to binge watch Netflix with or to accompany me to the bathroom in the middle of the night. I appreciate that you do accompany me to the bathroom, however it is frustrating when you decide to jump on my lap during the process. I am grateful that you are willing to try new foods when I force them upon you, especially the banana because I know you were not the biggest fan of that one. You did however like that last bite of my peanut butter and jelly sandwich which I planned on eating. But, it was the least I could in return for the abundance of love you show me. Thank you for always greeting me at the door when I come home from school on the weekends, and thank you for keeping my side of the bed warm while I am gone. I love that you do not stop me from PURRcrastinating when I should be doing many things other than playing with you and the laser pointer. Thank you for trying your hardest not to chew my head phones or chargers while I am away, I know it can be tempting. I love it when you follow me around like a lost puppy, because it makes me feel important, and wanted. It is really scary when you stare at the walls or hiss at the shadows that pass by, but I feel blessed to know I have cats who can talk to the deceased. It is nice to say that I have magical cats who can see things us humans can’t. Most of all, I want to say thank you for being my best friends, and thank you for never leaving my side especially since my life is an utter CATastrophe.