On July 28 of this year, the world was graced with yet another impressive Netflix Original. The Incredible Jessica James was brought to life by actress, comedian, and former Daily Show Correspondent Jessica Williams. The movie follows New York City playwright Jessica James (played by Williams herself) and her blossoming relationship with recently divorced app designer Boone (played by Chris O'Dowd) while balancing her feelings about her ex-boyfriend.
From the moment I turned the movie on, I was immediately met with a brutally honest character who says exactly what she's thinking without any hesitation. While Jessica James' candor could be uncomfortable (or even inappropriate at times), I enjoyed the way she carried herself unapologetically. It's that "unapologetic-ness" that makes her character amazing to me. She wasn't trying to be someone she isn't; she wasn't masking her personality for anyone. She was real, through and through. It's hard not to appreciate a character who brings a new kind of a vibe.
With all that being said, I would like to thank Jessica Williams. She created something I needed at this time in my life. While I may not be twenty-five or teach a class or live in NYC, the movie presented some lessons or reminders if you will that someone, somewhere can appreciate.
One: relationships are hard and complicated. No brainer, right? Jessica James is no different than anyone else when it comes to handling break ups and new relationships. Emotions are hard to deal with, watching someone you love move on is hard to deal with. But, the important thing to know is that it isn't the end of the world. Sometimes you have to remind yourself of who you are.
Two: don't be afraid to tell it like it is. Honesty is a good thing. There's no point in beating around the bush when it comes to getting what you want. There's also no point in giving up parts of yourself in order to appease someone else's feelings. Try to be true to yourself and try not to feel bad about it.
And three: life does exist outside of Instagram, or any other social media platform. (If you watch the movie, you may gain a bit of a different perspective about this one). It's human nature these days to frequently check up on exes, current significant others, friends, coworkers, high school peers, etc etc. However, I think we could all spend a little more time reflecting on ourselves, taking some time to pay attention to, getting to know, and improving ourselves.
So, if I haven't made it clear enough, I found the movie to be interesting, refreshing, and a must watch for anyone in need of something new.