You’ve given me endless reasons not to go to class in the morning and a thousand other reasons to put off doing homework.
Gossip Girl- I mean, come on- Ed Westwick is arguably the hottest guy on this show. I would let Chuck Bass *distract* me any day. He’s gorgeous, for one; and he has a British accent in real life. He is actually perfect. Thank you, Gossip Girl, from allowing me to submit my homework in way too late. Thank you for teaching me that the baddest and the boujiest are also dumb and get into the stupidest situations that string on this show way past its due date.
One Tree Hill- I will ~always and forever~ be on #teamnathan. He and Haley are the reason true love exists. Second to Brooke, Nathan is the character with the most development and improvement and I mean, he is so sexy in that basketball jersey. Thank you, One Tree Hill, for giving me ridiculous expectations for my future husband. Thank you, Nathan and Haley, for proving that I will always be alone (with my cats).
Doggos- Cute ones, fat ones, dogs that lick my hand, dogs that run away from me scared- SQUIRREL- I love you. Nothing distracts me more than a fluffy doggo. If there’s a dog, my work can forget about being finished. Dogs obviously take top priority on my list of things that I’d rather do than work- right before bang my head against a wall. I think I can speak for literally every human being with a beating heart when I say, thank you doggos, for giving us a reason to wake up in the morning. Thank you for being so fluffy and so cute and for doing dumb things like chasing your tail or trying to eat your own paw- the world thanks you.
The Office- I’ve got two names for you- Dwight and Jim. Their friendship is one for the ages. Instead of writing an essay, you can catch me watching “Jim” trying to convince Dwight that he’s always been Asian. Beets, Bears, and Battlestar Galactica are words to live by. Thank you, The Office, for showing me what true love really looks like. Thank you for giving me a reason to skip class!
Buzzfeed and YouTube- You are the bane of my existence. Without you, I would always get my work done on time and would probably have all of this free time I wouldn’t know what to do with. You’ve given me the gift of taking the most irrelevant quizzes and you taught me that I was Queen Elsa in a past life and that I’ll be thirty and thriving in the Bahamas (which would obviously be ideal). Thank you, YouTube, for giving me a reason to not pay attention in class and for giving me an endless supply of cute baby videos- you’re the real MVP.