Countless sleepless nights, cramming before every test, trying to be a well-rounded person, papers and papers and papers. Don't even get me started with the acronyms: IA, EE, TOK, IOP, IOC... the list goes on. Welcome to the world of an IB student. IB, for those who may not know, is the International Baccalaureate Program. This program aims to develop students in their education and personal life by implementing both rigorous coursework and extracurricular activities. Many IB programs consist of a preliminary stage, ninth and tenth grade, which prepares students for the college-level coursework in eleventh and twelfth grade. This was my IB experience.
Although there were many times when I wanted to give up, drop everything and quit, I somehow made it to the other side of the IB program. While in IB, I never really imagined what my life would be like on the other side, other than that everyone had told me IB would help me out in the long run. It has.
Starting my first year of college, I was classified as a Sophomore, bringing in tons of credit hours. Some of these credits were due to AP, however, most of my AP credits came from IB courses with an AP test at the end. Either way, I started off ahead, saving thousands of dollars in tuition.
Outside of the education and college credit I brought with me to college, I also brought many skills that have helped me tremendously. In IB, I had to communicate with my guidance counselors to plan my schedule. Here in college, I must meet with academic advisors to do the same. In IB, I gave many presentations on easy to difficult material, as I have had to do in college. In IB, I completely IA's in biology and chemistry that are almost identical to the lab reports I write almost biweekly in college. I have great ambition and can take the initiative to get tasks done. I have learned to keep track of my time and to manage it well. I have learned the consequences of procrastination, even though I still do it now and then.
Along with this, by having to become a well-rounded individual in IB, this has come naturally. Although at times it is difficult, I have managed to balance many things in life including work, sports, organizations, service and much more.
If I had to do it all over again, I would. There is no doubt in my mind that I would not have been as successful as I am without having IB as my foundation for the rest of my life.