Picture this: a high school graduate attending their freshmen college orientation, excited, but mostly scared to start a new chapter of their life. What if I told you that this high school graduate is soon to be you, or even was you? A year ago, I was this person, embarking on a new journey not knowing what to expect.
I remember arriving at orientation, and one of the first activities required us, students, to be away from our parents. We were told to pair up with someone in our group who had the same superhero as us. "Great, I'm alone and now I have to socialize with strangers over something silly," I thought to myself. And that's when I met her, my future roommate, who just so happen to not be able to come up with a favorite superhero either.
You'll hear the stories about how dreadful freshmen orientation is, but what those stories don't include is how memorable it can be. For me, I was lucky enough to meet my college best friend during my first real experience on campus. I didn't think this was possible either, believe me. When we were all sitting in the big auditorium together and the presenters said that the people sitting next to us would be our best friends, I just shrugged my shoulders and laughed. But now here I am, starting my sophomore year of college, with "the girl sitting next to me from orientation" as my roommate. It's funny really because at freshmen orientation we joked about how we wished we could be roommates freshmen year, and now, it's actually happening.
I should have known that it would be us against the world from the start when we walked out of dinner together to find our parents talking to each other. Or when we were sitting at dinner, surrounded by other people, only talking to each other.
So thank you freshmen orientation, for not being like the stories and allowing me to create my own. It's because of you that I now have a new best friend, a lot of freshmen year stories to tell with her, and now one awesome future roommate.