Dear Roomie,
I am currently about three feet away from you writing this little thank you note—where I have been for about the past eight months. Going into our first year of college was terrifying and exciting for us both. I remember the first night eating not-so-great mac and cheese in the dining hall realizing this is what our upcoming year would look like. Navigating our way through new class schedules and the exotic social life of the college student was nothing short of amusing to look back on now. Fortunately, we have come a long way from that. I am not sure if our time management skills have improved, but we have learned to make the most of every situation. I couldn’t ask for a better person to have dance parties with after a night out (or night in, honestly), eat hummus and carrots with, get ready with, laugh with, and talk with all day and night long. Thank goodness we have learned some lessons this year like:
Too many Flaming Hot Cheetos can, indeed, be a bad thing.
Never trust our dining hall meat.
Always be stocked on Cliff Bars.
Even if you have a test ending at 9, you can be out by 9:30.
Working out can be for about 10-20 minutes (and usually is).
Papers can be done faster than you think.
The dorm lies about air conditioning.
Sleep on top of the covers with a blanket.
You can never have enough water.
I am saddened our year of living together is coming to an end in a couple weeks, but it makes my heart happy to know I found a friend to spend this summer with and many years to come. We will be at Taco Bell as soon as summer begins! Thanks for being my pal.
Your Roomie