My girlfriend and I have come from similar background which makes our bond more special. Unfortunately for both of us, it didn't make for an easy childhood. We've both been put through the ringer, struggled with depression, and seen our mothers hurt. As stated before in a previous article, my mother is my rock. However, I've never given my girlfriends mother the long overdue recognition and outward love that she deserves.
To My Girlfriend's Mother,
First of all, I'd like to thank you for creating the beautiful woman I now call the love of my life. Without you guiding her hand, my girlfriend could be somebody completely different. You have almost single handedly shaped her and you have done a wonderful job.
Secondly, I would like to thank you for accepting me and welcoming me into your crazy, dysfunctional family. All of the holidays, kayaking trips, and dinners are appreciated more than you'll ever know. I truly can't thank you enough for treating me like one of your children.
You are a wonderful mother and will always continue to be. I've seen the fire in your eyes when you set out to protect your children and I've seen the love in your heart in the moments when you're truly proud of all of their accomplishments. Having you as part of my support system is truly beneficial and I hope you stay there forever.
I know sometimes you scare me but that is because I never want to overstep my boundaries and disrespect you. Sometimes I feel like you don't like me, but I know you love me, even if it's only for making your daughter happy.
Thank you for the last two years, and thank you even more for the many years to come. Never forget that you're doing an awesome job, no matter what. I know all of these thank yous don't even begin to cover it all, and I may never be able to find all the words to give you what you deserve, but I hope this makes you smile just a little.