Dear Big,
Thank you.
I know that’s really simple but there are no words for me to describe how much I love you and appreciate everything you’ve done for me. So just thank you.
Thank you for taking me in when I didn’t know anything about Greek life and showing me the ropes. Thank you for explaining dues, rules, excusals, and standards.
Thank you for showing me where to go for service hours and still doing them with me to this day. There is no one I would rather freeze my butt off with at Boo’s in the Zoo and walks to prevent cancer.
Thank you for staying up through the night to craft for me during Big/Little so I had stuff to rep our letters everywhere I went. And thank you for repeating it again when I got my littles.
Thank you for showing me new music and forcing me to watch movies I’ve never seen before. And thanks for having the same taste in music that I do. There’s no one I would rather rock out to some Avenged Sevenfold with on the way to the grocery store.
Thank you for the endless cooking and baking lessons. Because of you, I now know how to cook spaghetti and make Pinterest snacks.
Thank you for the multiple makeup lessons you’ve given me through the years and for doing my makeup for me when I give up because I can’t contour right.
Thank you for your endless support and school advice. I don’t want to think about how many breakdowns I would have had if you weren’t around.
Thank you for always listening to my rants (I know they happen often) and always telling me what I need to hear, even if I don’t want to hear it. I think executive council would have been 100 times more stressful without you always there to listen to my struggles.
You are such an important person to me and have been not only a role model, but a best friend. We’ve made so many special memories during your time in college and just because you graduate soon does not mean those adventures are going to end. We’re still going to go to jump parks and have musical marathons with massive amounts of Chinese take-out whether you’re an active sister or not.
I know you’ll be looking for a big girl job and struggling through adult life soon, but know that I will always have your back like you’ve always had mine. I’m just a phone call away whether you move out of state or not. Just say the word and I’ll be on your door step with City Café cheese fries and cake.
I know we may not be able to spend as much time together but I know that we have such a special bond and will always love each other. Just know I am so thankful for you and I honestly couldn’t picture my life without you.
I know you complain when I make you take another picture even though the last 32 we took were all cute, but I know deep down you love me too. Despite both of us being sassy, we’re a big/little match made in heaven.
I’ve learned it really is true that big knows best and I couldn’t have asked for a better big than you. Thank you for being the best.