Throughout life we have many people that come into and out of our lives. Whether it's a friendship that is for a short amount of time or one that has lasted for many years. In one way or another they've been lessons, or one of the best temporary blessings. Here's a letter to those who decided to leave and sincerely thanking them for everything.
A Letter To Those Who Left,
I'm not sure where you are in this world, or if you're even reading this article that little to nobody reads anyway. The purpose of this letter is to reflect on how much of an impact that we've had on each other. There are often things that remind me of you on a daily basis and it makes me wish that you were right by my side. Things change, people change, and all we can do is look back to reminisce and move forward. We also need to understand how to forgive each other. Although people change, our memories won't.
I want to sincerely thank you for everything. Being there to listen to me, and always being there when I needed you the most.
Let's just say, life is very much different now since the last time that we talked. I'm at a university majoring in radiological technology and I love what I do. I am in a secure and happy relationship with a man who has been so good to me. He has truly shown me what it's like to be loved. I hope that God has blessed you like He's blessed me. Maybe one of these days we will catch up, but until then, I wish you the very best.
Sincerely your long lost friend,