To my best friends:
I don't know about you, but my friends are one of the biggest parts of my life. They are my biggest support system to fall back on when things are going sour, and always there for me when I'm on cloud nine. Being a best friend is a thankless job. You have to deal with one another on a very personal level. But as with anything - with great work comes an even better reward. Here is a thank you to my best friends!
Thank you for:
1. Sharing your fries with me even when you didn't want to
because I was probably gonna take them anyways.
2. Actually telling me when my outfit looks ugly.
5. Letting your closet be my closet.
and for letting me *basically* keep those pair of leggings you lent me.
6. "I look fat in this pic can we take another?"
7. "Can you hand my water bottle? I'm in bed."
8. Still loving me even when I don't reply to your texts.
or when I text you a million times in a row.
9. Sitting through countless episodes of my favorite TV show even though you can't stand it.
10. Covering me for coffee.
And fro yo, and pizza and that entire dinner last month
11. And not getting mad when I forget to pay you back.
because it all evens out in the end, right?
12. Laughing at all my jokes.
13. Even when my jokes aren't funny.
Because I'm hilarious even when I'm not.
14. Helping me clean my messy room.
15. Listening to me complain about guys.
All guys are dumb
16. And for never judging me when I went back to boys whom you told me were bad news.
17. Laughing at all my stupid antics.

18. Keeping me company when I run errands.
because a target trip is much more fun with my best friends
19. Lifting me up when I'm sad.
20. Celebrating with me when I'm happy.
21. and keeping me grounded when I get a big head
Thanks for keeping me humble.
22. Letting me pick the music when we are getting ready, even though you don't like it.
23. Being the most amazing friend a girl could ask for.
I love you all forever!