We don't realize how much we need our computer until it no longer works. Those times when we drop it and the screen shatters. Our entire school life is on a computer. All the way back in the 2nd grade, we have been saving work on a computer, maybe not the same one, but we have. We use it for everything, homework, personal use, communication, and even Netflix. So here is a huge shout out to my little surface pro 3.
Thank you for always being there when I needed to just surf Youtube of cat videos until I was happy again. I really needed you then because funny cat videos truly solve life's problems. I don't even really like cats. Or just for always being there when I needed to know that Vera Bradley was having a new sale (this was a bad thing and a good thing don't get me wrong).
I can't believe you can store all my papers, projects, pictures, and still keep my bookmarks. I don't know how you do it, but thank you. Sometimes we just need to go back and look over our work. Or maybe I didn't hit the submit button and I have to find the paper. Thank you for letting me create folders so I know where to look. You help me stay organized, well at least better organized.
How can I forget. Thank your for being a baby DJ for me. You never judge me for my music. I could listen to classical one second, and go to rap within the next 3 minutes. Thank you for letting me download 3 different music apps to you. I never know what one I'm going to use, even though I always choose Spotify.
Lastly, thank you for answering almost all the questions I have. Those homework questions I could never find in the text but you could find me the answer. It is crazy to think you have that much information. Thank you for answering the stupidest questions my friends and I could come up with. Yes people, this was before siri.
So to wrap this up, thank you computer for being everything someone needs in high school and college. You really are an amazing and expensive thing. Keep up the good work. I really appreciate all you have done and will continue to do for me.