Every rainbow is born from a storm. With that in mind, let me paint a really ugly, disgusting picture for you, so that we can get to the beautiful picture that comes after it.
I graduated in 2015. I was fresh out of high school and fresh out of a very unhealthy and controlling 3-year relationship. I was ready for something new, so naturally, I packed my bags and moved 140 miles away from home to a very small private college in Maine. Naturally.
The problem with Maine was that I just didn't fit in there. Everybody around me was from small towns in Maine and I was just too far away from home. I didn't have a car, I felt trapped, and I was anxious all of the time. I obviously didn't do too well that semester; as soon as my last final was over, I dipped and ran back home to Massachusetts.
In spring of 2016, I registered for online courses at my local community college. And that... that's about all I did. I met a guy that I thought I really liked, who turned out to actually be very, very bad for me. There were a lot of drugs and a lot of cheating involved. While I was busy with Mr. Terribly Wrong, I obviously paid no attention to my classes, and I failed all of them. All I had to show for the whole semester was four F's and a really shitty breakup.
That was a turning point.
Fortunately, even though I'd given up on myself, Massasoit hadn't given up on me. I was on academic probation, but they still let me come back in the fall. I registered for more classes, but on-campus this time.
With the help of Massasoit's faculty and resources, I finished that semester with straight A's. Yeah, I literally went from straight F's to straight A's.
That was a year ago. That was where the beautiful picture started to be painted.
During my time at Massasoit, I've taken some amazing courses, met some inspirational professors, worked an unbelievably educationally and personally rewarding internship, worked hard, and achieved the best grades I possibly could. I even accidentally met the love of my life there, too.
Now, I'm going to my dream school. I'm just four days away from moving into my dorm at UMass Lowell - a university I would never, EVER been able to get into straight out of high school or out of Saint Joseph's. In fact, I applied to UMass Lowell after I left Saint Joseph's, and they rejected me. After my time at Massasoit, they accepted me and invited me to join the Honors College.
So here's to you, Massasoit, and all of the community colleges across the nation. Because I want you to know that my story is not a unique one. So many people have been given a chance at higher education when they may not have otherwise gotten a chance at all. I speak for all of us when I say this next part.
Community college,
Thank you.
I would not be where I am, achieving what I am, if it were not for you. I don't know where I would be or what I would be doing. I certainly wouldn't be in the Honors College at a respected university studying what I love.
You gave me a place to fall down, and you also gave me a place to get back on my feet and stand up again.
You introduced me to the most wonderful, down-to-earth, loving, supportive man.
You believed in me when I didn't believe in myself and made me realize my potential.
You made it possible for me to find my footing again on my educational path while still being able to work (and save money, thanks to your affordable tuition).
You created opportunity for me out of nothing more than thin air and failure.
You gave me a future.
I can never thank you enough for everything you've done for me. As I go forward to the next part of my journey, I won't forget any of it. You may not be pretty, but you're beautiful in your own way. I'll always remember where I came from.