Dear Coffee,
Where do I even begin? I can't express enough how grateful I am to have you in my life. We've experienced so much, both good and bad, with each other and I'll never be able to repay you for that. You have opened my eyes to a whole different world.
Thank you for always changing for me when I can't change for you. When it's hot out, I can have you iced; when it's cold out, I can have you hot. You don't have an ego when I think you're not strong enough, instead you just sit there while I add a shot of espresso. You don't get offended when I think regular old you is a little boring, instead you come in hundreds of different flavors for me to enjoy. And when all I have is boring old you, you let me change you myself by adding sugar and flavored creamers without judging how much I add. Thanks for understanding my many different flavor needs.
Thank you for never judging me. Every morning when all I'm looking forward to is you and I'm still mostly asleep and I look like a zombie, you still think I'm beautiful and you think no less of me. You hear all the weird conversations my friend and I have and all of the serious life talks that we have sometimes around you; I'm surprised you don't get up and leave. You never give me weird looks when I want you in the middle of the day or if I have you late at night as a little pick me up. You don't even care if I have you multiple times a day and I switch between iced, hot, or blended each time. When I burn my tongue or get brain freeze because I tried to drink too soon or too fast, thanks for never laughing at me. You accept me no matter what.
Thank you for being there when no one else is. When it's morning and no one else talks to me because I'm so cranky, you understand that I'm just not a morning person. In fact, you go as far as being able to wake me up better than anything or anyone else. When I'm sad, you just let me drink away and know how I feel without me even speaking; you always know how to put me in a better mood. When I have a headache, you know that it's probably a lack of caffeine and you highly recommend that I have you. When I had a really good day and I have no one to celebrate with, you're there to celebrate how great my day went. Lastly, when I relax, there's nothing better than having you there with me.
I can't think of anything or anyone that is remotely better than you. I can't thank you enough for everything you do for me. Sitting here thinking about all you do brings a huge smile to my face and a warm feeling in my heart. I can't wait to see you in the morning!
Someone Who Always Has You On Their Mind