Chemistry lab has, without a doubt, been the worst experience of my undergraduate career. While that might sound like an exaggeration, I can ensure you that it truly is not. Perhaps if the structure of the course were a little more organized or if the instructors were excited and happy to be there, then maybe lab would have been somewhat bearable. Throwback to chemistry lab in high school and everything was great; we celebrated "Mole Day" on October 23rd and the science experiments were always FUN. The reality of college chemistry is nothing even close to being "fun."
The one aspect that always got me through the grueling three hours of chem lab each week was my lab partner. I know that without them, I would never have been motivated to finish the lab. Here are 11 thank yous specifically for my chemistry lab partner.
1. Thank you for always reading the pre-lab.
Preparation is the key to (attempted) success.
2. Thank you for understanding my confusion.
Nobody truly understands your frustrations in lab like the person standing right beside you through it all.
3. Thank you for lighting the Bunsen burner.
I knew chem lab would suck when I could never even light my own burner.
4. Thank you for sharing your homework answers.
No matter how you got those answers, I appreciate every time they were sent my way.
5. Thank you for calming me down whenever I wasn't calm.
Which was pretty much for the entire duration of chem lab.
6. Thank you for unlocking the locker.
You can't even try to complete the experiment if you don't have your equipment.
7. Thank you for doing the parts of the experiment that I didn't want to do.
That made us a good team since we each completed the parts of the experiment that ended up being our strengths.
8. Thank you for answering all of my questions.
Even if you didn't fully know the answer.
9. Thank you for not blowing up the lab with me.
10. Thank you for preventing me from dropping out of the class.
Friends who suffer through chem lab together, stay together.
11. Thank you for taking goggle-mark selfies with me at the conclusion of every lab period.
Looking forward to taking our unflattering, weekly "I survived chem lab" selfie was more motivating than I should probably admit.