Why I Want To Thank Brooke Davis | The Odyssey Online
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Why I Want To Thank Brooke Davis

She's a woman who inspired a whole generation to dream big and love bigger.

Why I Want To Thank Brooke Davis

Brooke Penelope Davis, the girl who had it all, lost it all, and still came out on-top. She’s a role-model that transcends generations and stereotypes.

Whether someone who watched the show during original airing, or like me, binge-watched on Netflix, we all get the same smiles and tears as we see her find herself throughout the nine season. That’s right, for nine seasons we watched Brooke light-up the screen with her wit and charm on "One Tree Hill."

This is a list of things I’d like to thank Brooke Davis for.

1. I’d like to thank Brooke for telling the world that zero isn’t a size and healthy is beautiful.

Brooke showed the world that a healthy body is the most beautiful. Through her example, young girls learned not to put a label or size on their bodies.

2. I’d like to thank Brooke for showing young girls that your dream job can happen.

At 18, Brooke started her own clothing line and fashion magazine. By seeing someone their own age have their dreams come true, viewers know that there is not dream too big that cannot happen.

3. I’d like to thank Brooke for being vulnerable and showing us that we all have fears of not being good enough.

High schools hard enough without drama. But drama is what Tree Hill High thrived on. Brooke said what most teenage girls are thinking, but can't voice ourselves; that we're just not good enough. No matter the age, we all have insecurities, and Brooke showed us how to become free on them.

4. I'd like to thank Brooke Davis for giving the best motivational speeches.

Brooke went through a lot in nine seasons. We've seen her at her best and worst, and every spot in between. But through it all, Brooke was there to lift up her friends during times of pain and heartache.

5. I’d like the thank Brooke for showing the world what it’s like to love someone who loves someone else.

It's something we all can relate to. It's the feeling of loving someone with all your heart, and them not giving anything in return. It doesn't just end because they fall for someone else, the heartache takes time to understand and to move on.

5 1/2. I’d like to thank Brooke for mirroring what it’s like to have your heart broken by the boy you love.

Brooke Davis went through the most heartache of any character on "One Tree Hill." We watched her love time and time again, just to be left alone in the end. She knows what it's like to tell everyone your fine, and then fall to pieces when someone asks that one question..

6. I’d like to thank Brooke for showing us to forgive those who may not deserve it.

We all know the story. Lucas loved Peyton. Then Brooke loved Lucas. Then Lucas loved Brooke. Then Lucas loved Peyton.. It was a never ending love triangle for at least three season. Until the day that Brooke finds out the Peyton and Lucas got together behind her back. The fight made for great laughs, but in the end, Brooke showed us what is takes to forgive those who hurt us the most.

7. I’d like to thank Brooke for showing us how to stand up for those we love.

Brooke's fierce, that's something fans have known for seasons. But during this moment, we see just how much love Brooke has for those she loves. Her friends have become family, and she protects her family.

8. I’d like to thank Brooke for showing us what true friendship is.

P. Sawyer + B. Davis= Best Friends Forever

9. I’d like to thank Brooke for finding the strength to continue living and loving after being physically assaulted.

The assault nearly broke Brooke. She was scared to even leave her home, but all it took was the change of view for Brooke to see all she would lose if she didn't move on. She showed all victim that it's OK to keep living and loving after you've lost it all.

10. I’d like to thank Brooke for changing the world, because her character inspired us to keep hoping.

Brooke taught us to hope, even when there is not certain outcome. She showed us all how to love blindly, and to live as if there is not tomorrow. Brooke taught me to be fearless.

11. I’d like to thank Brooke for teaching us that hoes come before bros.

Brooke's character revolved around her relationships and friendships, but she learned the hard way that boys have no place coming before the girls.

12. I'd like to thank Brooke for teaching us that labels don't matter.

Brooke showed the world that no one has the right to tell you who you are. No one can define your worth by your outward appearance. It's hard to look past it, but if you do, you begin to live for you, and no one can change that.

13. I'd like to thank Brooke for just being Brooke Davis.

Brooke is all of us who didn’t know where we fit in during high school, who faked it till we could make it or were just waiting to see who and what we were destined to become. She was all the young girls who never felt good enough for her parents. She’s someone who fought against each challenge, and found true love in the most unlikely ways.

Brooke’s the type of women I’d like to become one day. Brooke's the type of women all young women should aspire to become.

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