One year ago, I had moved to Boston! Surprised to see how much time flies.
Boston has always been so kind to me. I am a part of the Indian Ensemble, which is something I have always wanted to be a part of! I met a lot of amazing people, whom I could call my family! I got into the Music Therapy major, something I am very interested in, even though I didn't make it the first time! I also became a writer at Odyssey, which helped me improve my writing skills, as well as to communicate with people. But, overall, I became a better person. I became stronger, more confident and improved musically.
I always knew Boston was kind to me, but it's only now I realize that Boston is truly a place for me.
Three months ago, I received the shocking news about my mother being diagnosed with cancer, and for those three months, I was miserable. I was lonely and depressed. It was shocking for me, as I never expected this to happen and I didn't know what to do. I always thought that I would never again smile or be happy! I was afraid to go back to Boston, as I had a fear that I will be all alone.
When I came back to Boston, first, I had put all my concentration into shifting to my new place, which was a hard task, but the fact that I did it all by myself made me feel good about myself. But the best part was that I had rehearsals for the Bangalore show every single day. I spent every single day with my Indian Ensemble family, who made me get to know them more, and how amazing they all are, and that they are truly my Boston family. While the rehearsals were tiring and long, it always put a huge smile on my face. At the end of each rehearsal, I couldn't wait to see them the next day. They have also helped me a lot with this devastating situation; I realized that I am not alone after all! Thank you so much, guys. On top of that, I enjoyed doing what I love doing the most: Singing!
I am leaving for Bangalore in five more days! I am happy that I get to travel to India, with my dear Boston family! I also get to see my parents and other relatives which makes me even more excited! I feel so excited for the show!
This entire month in Boston also got me excited for next semester, when I begin my Music Therapy practicum! I can't wait to experience this amazing field! I also plan to improve myself socially, as this helps me feel strong and happy, and at the same time, work hard to finish my course and to become even better musically! I plan to love and accept myself more, which would make me feel positive and stop all the negativities that come towards me!
Boston, you truly make me who I am! You truly are my other home! Thank you, Boston!
Student LifeAug 29, 2016
To My Second Home: Boston
One year ago, I had moved to Boston! I realize it is truly my other home.