Everyone has that one person in their life who keeps them sane, literally. Who wouldn't go crazy without their best friend? You can fuss with your best friend countless times, and probably have fussed countless times that maybe you cant even remember why you were fussing over something so stupid to begin with, but you always know that you can always count on them, even when stuff is just going wrong. You can count on them to tell you when you're being dumb or doing something you shouldn't be, even if it does sting for a bit.
For me, my best friend is my boyfriend. We've known each other since the fourth grade. I could not possibly tell you how many times we have made each other mad, gotten on each others nerves, or just wanted to punch each other in the stomach. We grew up together as friends until about high school, and then we finally actually gave it a shot. Matter of fact, it took a few shots...or hundreds. But last semester of senior year came around and we really got it right that time. It has taken so much effort into this because we butt heads a lot. He's known me through the good and the bad and has put up with me until forever (God only knows how, because I am a serious mess sometimes).
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Thank you for telling me when I'm being a brat.
We have had many problems over our years of friendship and most could probably actually lead back to me being a brat, oops. You tell me when it's okay when I don't get my way, because I'm not a real princess. Even though I swear I am and you swear I'm not, I guess I'll say you're actually helping me become a better person. Because who likes a brat anyways, right?
Thank you for telling me "You're such a big baby" All the time.
I know I get a little cranky when you tell me to quit being a baby, but I guess there's literally no other way for you to tell me to quit crying because something did not go the way I planned. Girls have SO many emotions and sometimes we just cry about everything, or get a little over-dramatic. I can see why you are trying to get me to quit crying all the time, because it really isn't cute when us girls cry over everything. After a year of you telling me I'm a big baby, I've actually quit crying over some stupid things, not all but some. At least I'm trying, though.
Thank you for loving me.
I think I know by now that I am not an easy person to deal with, or love for that matter because you have a very special way of telling at least once a week, "You better be glad I love you." Which I am, because I know that if you didn't love me as much as you do, we wouldn't have made it work and put in so much effort into our friendship and relationship. You keep me on my feet, and keep me on the right path. Even when I steer off of the path we're headed, you pull me right back to it. High school was tough, and college is even tougher. So thanks for loving me through it all and hopefully you'll continue to because we're not quite done with our freshman year together.
Thank you for listening to me.
I tend to talk, a lot. Whether it's about food, PLL, my sisters, friends, or whatever, thank you for listening. I know you really don't care about the girl I don't like right now, or what we're doing a month from now. Even when I talk your head off on our beach day trips, you still get an A for effort for listening because you at least try to act like you care.
Best friends are really hard to find. You can't trust just anybody. You can't just open up with your deepest secrets to anybody. You definitely won't let a girl in your class tell you to quit being a baby. So thank you, mostly for dealing with me, but also for loving me and being there for me whenever I need you. Thank you for being honest with me and completely upfront with me (even when you know I'm gonna flip out for an hour at you because of what you just said to me) only because you know I'll come to understand your point of view.