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10 Things To Thank Your Boyfriend For Everyday

Here are 10 basic 'thank yous' that our men deserve on a daily basis.

10 Things To Thank Your Boyfriend For Everyday

Sometimes it is easy to get caught up in the business of life and forget to embrace the man that has been by your side through everything. Sometimes we get so caught up in work, school, health, and family that we forget all that our man does for us on a daily basis. Here are 10 basic 'thank yous' that our men deserve on a daily basis.

1. Thank you for feeding meĀ 

As silly as this sounds, when I am so busy throughout my day that I forget to eat something or I don't want to make anything, you always come to the rescue. Whether that's with pizza or something you made, you make sure that I am fed always. Partially you do this because you don't like to deal with hangry me, but still. Thank you for caring.

2. Thank you for letting me steal the blankets

Every night, despite how cold you get and how much you hate it, you always let me have more covers than you. You jokingly pull the covers off of me before I fall asleep every night, yet you always seem to make sure that I'm covered up before you and that I have room on my side of the bed. Your generosity in blanket sharing is a dream. Thank you for keeping me warm.

3. Thank you for listeningĀ 

Whether I'm complaining about work, my roommates, or how tired I am you listen to it all. You never tell me to stop complaining or that you don't care about what I say. Despite how many times you've heard me complain about my job, you never interject and say that I've complained about it 400 times this week. You listen, no matter how many times you've heard the same story over and over again. Thank you for always having open ears.

4. Thank you for the endless amounts of love

We don't say that we love each other, but that's because actions speak louder than words. From making sure I'm fed to making sure that I'm warm throughout the night while I sleep, these simple gestures show the love and compassion you have deep inside. Nobody else could love me that way that you do. Thank you for loving me.

5. Thank you for making me a priority

You never complain that we spend too much time together or make excuses as to why we can't go out. You make me a priority because you care about me and we love spending time together. You make me feel important and wanted when you make all the time you do for me. Thank you for making time for me.

6. Thank you for supporting me

From being President of Odyssey to moving abroad for six months, thank you for supporting all I do. You want me to be happy, you want me to chase my dreams, and you want to see me reach my greatest potential. I couldn't do any of this without your endless support. Thank you for being my cheerleader.

7. Thank you for holding meĀ 

Because some days after a long day all I want is to be in your arms and forget everything else. Your arms are my safe haven, the place I can be where I feel the most protected and loved. Thank you for holding me when I cry, for holding me when I'm tired, and for holding me when my feet are too tired to keep walking. Thank you for holding me close to your heart.

8. Thank you for making me laugh

Nobody else has been able to make me laugh until I snort or damn near pee my pants besides you. Nobody has the same sense of humor that I do, except for you. Thank you for turning any bad situation into a better one by making me laugh. Thank you for making my heart happy.

9. Thank you for taking care of meĀ 

You are always making sure that I am okay, that my emotional needs are met before anything else. You always take it upon yourself to check in on me and if things aren't okay, to try and make things okay. You help take care of me when I can't take care of me. Thank you for making sure my hairs brushed and I'm okay.

10. Thank you for making me feel wanted

I never have to second guess if I am worthy enough for you. You always, whether you know it or not, make me feel as though I mean something to you. As though I am the only person that you want. As if I am the only person you see. I never question if you want me, I know you me- us. Thank you for wanting me.

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