My dear sweet friend,
I want you to know that I still look for you, even though you're not here. I still call for you hoping that you'll bound out of the bushes, with kisses that could wipe away the tears.
Also, I want you to know that I still love you, and always will.
They tell us that alldogs go to heaven, but secretly I hope that it isn't true, because you were not like all other dogs.
I hope that you're in a unique paradise, filled with fire hydrants and yards that never end, which God created for you. I hope that it doesn't hurt to walk or stand like it did in this world. I pray that you're happy like you used to be.
Buddy, it was so hard watching you get older. Slowly, the stairs became an unconquerable mountain, the bed became too far of a leap, and the food bowl became out of reach.
The day that we said goodbye was a day that I'll never forget.
That day is engraved into my brain with guilt, that I killed my best friend. And I'm so sorry for pulling the life out of your tired body.
I remember the veterinarian said that it was the humane thing to do, but that does not stop the guilt nor the hurt watching your eyes close forever.
Saying goodbye to a family member, a best friend, and a memory maker is never easy. It hurts more than words can describe.
I wish that you knew how hard it is to live my life without you. Coming home and not seeing you standing at the gate waiting for me hurts. Seeing other dogs with their families stings worse than a bee.
Yet, in this time of pain there is so much love and happy memories to hold on to.
My dog changed my life over the course of 13 years. He loved me through the darkest of times and the milestones of life. He gave our house and family a barking, excited, welcoming even if we were only gone for ten minutes.
I want to thank you for the laughs, the tag, and the games. I want to thank you for the kisses and welcomes. Duke, I want to thank you for being my best friend.
You are an irreplaceable soul that will always be mine and I'll never forget you.
Love forever and always.