Dear TVD,
I have been watching your show since the very first episode, all the way to the last episode in my freshman year of college.
Now that the show has come to its end, I feel as if I owe some thank you's to this show that took up so much of my time these last few years.
To the actors and actresses, thank you for playing out these amazing characters that have taught so many things to the shows' viewers. Thank you for putting your all into these characters, and for helping to keep me personally invested in what these characters went through each week.
To the show writers, thank you for giving viewers stories that can be related to (like losing your parents, not really the vampire part).There were certain moments in this show, that I have looked at to help me get through similar situations in my own life.
There's a special type of show that can do that for its viewers.
Another thank you to the show writers for producing such captivating stories, that were not so realistic. The story arcs this show produced will be remembered by its viewers, just for the sheer incredulity they represent.
Sometimes it was easy to just watch a show about magic and vampires to get my mind off of the reality of my everyday life.
Lastly, a huge and most important thank you to Mystic Falls.
Each week, this town and its people came onto my TV screen and put on a show that has kept me coming back for eight years. As a Virginian, it was awesome to be watching this show and to know the places they would travel to outside their town, and it made me feel even closer to this show.
The Vampire Diaries was a show that I stuck with from its pilot episode, and I loved it's characters and would look forward to sitting down and watching this show with my friends.
Now that the show is over, it's still not really over. There is still "The Originals" and Netflix. But it's not the same as waiting each week for the glorious duo that is Stefan and Damon to grace our TV screens each week.
So to this little show that caught my attention, thank you for catching my attention these past eight years.