I can't believe it's been 16 months since I decided I needed to put my ideas into action. I took the plunge and started writing with Odyssey in February 2018 because I needed something new in my life—I needed to take chances.
Now, it is time for me to do that again.
I've truly loved my time with Odyssey—I mean, I got to go to Pinterest for Pete's sake! I got the courage to share some of my personal struggles (like this and this) and some of my deepest passions with the world that I never would have been able to put into words without the help of Odyssey.
But beyond that, I've met a community of lovely humans that I'm going to miss with all of my heart. Sure, I'll hopefully see them around on campus, but it just won't be the same. Odyssey is so much more than a writing platform—it's a place for creators to blossom as people, and I think that's what I'm going to miss the most.
Being a part of the leadership team just took the community aspect of Odyssey to the next level for me. I learned how to lead a group as a team of two without help from anyone else. I know this leadership skill is going to be absolutely invaluable later in my life. Plus, I got to meet some wonderful ladies from other universities that I never would have met otherwise, and for that, I'm insanely grateful.
I feel that I have reached a point that I can't do anything else for my community and Odyssey in general and that I've learned all of the lessons that I can learn, so it's time for me to pass the reins onto someone else and take the leap I set out to take with Odyssey — trying new things without fear — once again. Thus, I've decided to try internships, research, and volunteering this summer and to join new clubs this fall, which means it's time for me to move on from my Odyssey days.
It's incredibly difficult for me to leave, but I know it's the right thing for both me and my community, so I'm doing it with my head held high. Thank you, Odyssey, and goodbye.