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8 Reasons We Should Be Saying Thank U, Ariana For Her 'Thank U, Next' Music Video

If you need five minutes to reminisce on your teenage years, hit play.

8 Reasons We Should Be Saying Thank U, Ariana For Her 'Thank U, Next' Music Video

If you've seen Ariana Grande's new music video "thank u, next" then just keep reading. If not, stop reading, watch it immediately and get back to me. Here are eight reasons why I watched Ariana's new video seven times in a row and counting.

1. "This is literally my childhood in a video."

If you thought "thank u, next" was supposed to capture the memorable parts of Mean Girls, you were right. Her Instagram captured it perfectly and created the most hype I had seen in a long time about a music video. What I and many others didn't know was that she was also including iconic scenes and cameos from movies such as Bring It On, 13 Going on 30 and Legally Blonde. Iconic is an understatement.

2. Another anthem for new singles

Some people consider this time of the year ultimate cuffing season, but new singles - I see you, and so does Ariana. This song is a perfect anthem to blast in the car with your girlfriends to dis your exes while still thanking them for the lessons they may have taught you.

3. The costumes

If you are fan of these movies (I'm assuming that includes most of us) then you must have been freaking out as much as I was about the costumes worn in this video. Ariana's cameos of Regina George, Torrance Shipman, Jenna Rink and Elle Woods were absolutely perfect. She made these roles come back to life and made every girl in the world want to reenact them too. Definitely need to shop for the iconic talent show outfit and a pair of hot pink pumps.

4. Short hair don't care

One of my favorite parts of Ariana's different looks was her haircut to portray Jenna Rink. This made everyone stop and stare for a hot second at the potential Ariana minus her luscious locks that she is known for. I see you Ari.

5. Kris Jenner isn't like a regular mom, she's a cool mom

As if Kris Jenner wasn't already the cool mom, her appearance in this video makes her ten times better. Her cameo of Mrs. George was on point and made every Kardashian fan screech. Also, in case you accidentally missed it, watch the last eight seconds of the video. I will never stop loving that woman.

6. Other celebrity appearances

Not only did Kris Jenner make this video iconic as hell, but there were so many other celebs in this video worth mentioning. One of my favorite parts about this video was that there were actors from the original movies (ahhhhh!) including Jonathon Bennett and Stefanie Drummond from Mean Girls, as well as Jennifer Coolidge from Legally Blonde. The video also featured Troye Sivan, Colleen Ballinger and Gabi Demartino. If this isn't enough, just keep reading.

7. Victorious reunion and Robbie is... hot?

Adding on to the people we know and love being included in Ariana's most recent masterpiece, there were a few other familiar faces that made me freak the freak out. Three Victorious stars were present in the video, including Elizabeth Gillies (Jade West) as Cady Heron from Mean Girls who looked exactly like Lindsay Lohan might I add. The video also included Bring It On cameos featuring Matt Bennett (Robbie Shapiro) as Cliff Pantone and Daniella Monet (Trina Vega) as a cheerleader. Not only is this mini Victorious reunion a surprise for fans but Robbie's glow up is equally as captivating. You go, Matt Bennett.

8. Ari herself

If anyone could pull this off, it's Ariana Grande. The music video broke YouTube's record for the most number of views garnered within 24 hours of release, with 46 million views in its first day. She made this video incredibly fun to watch and brought a lot of emotions to those who remember these movies most - thank u, Ariana.

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