Ever since the peculiar Tomi Lahren's videos began showing up on Facebook, I was at a loss for words. How can an educated journalist ever think the words she screamed at her camera for "The Blaze" were okay to say? How can anyone with a brain think it's okay to shout at peaceful protesters and call out anyone who isn't blind to racism, white privilege and inequality in America, as being something equivalent to the KKK? America is founded on a living, evolving document that gives us the right to exercise our right to free speech, press, religion, and protest. Lahren is screaming, and rarely backing up her opinions, at people who are trying to make a change in America using their rights.
Lahren is the perfect example of white privilege in America and as a white, middle-class woman it makes me disgusted. When Trevor Noah invited her to talk on "The Daily Show," you could see Lahren struggle to come up with a reason that didn't contradict herself. Oh, man was it amazing.
Noah is South African and mixed race; in fact, his mother was jailed during Apartheid. His family fought for freedom and equality just like Lahren's military family and just like my family did decades ago. One difference is that Noah's family desired to be looked at equally in the eyes of the law even though skin color should never determine someone's worth. When Lahren think's it's OK to compare the Black Lives Matter movement to the KKK, she shows just how tiny of a bubble she lives in.
Thank you, Noah, for confronting Lahren on her stupidity and lack of basic government knowledge. Some people will never understand why Colin Kaepernick must peacefully protest and why I can burn the American flag if I don't get equal pay and why Black Lives Matter, does matter. Noah should be a shining example for all people, conservative or liberal, to fight back against blatant disregard for the fact that this country is still very racist. It is always better to know the facts before you speak.
So Tomi Lahren, please put yourself in someone else's shoes. No one likes a whiny, privileged, skinny white girl calling people "stupid" for exercising their First Amendment rights. Your complaining on some sketchy news service is doing nothing for America. If you're upset about something, start a movement, walk in a protest, lobby for new laws and go take a U.S. History and Constitutional Law class. Know your rights, don't use them to call other people names like its middle school again.
So thank you, Trevor Noah, for finally calling Tomi Lahren out in such a well-spoken fashion. We all needed to be reminded that there is no place in America for so much unfounded hate and now more than ever, we must fight injustice from the ground up.