I spent my entire middle school and theatre life involved in the theatre departments I was so lucky to have. Sometimes I forgot how lucky I was to be involved in these departments when at other schools, students aren't as lucky. Now, I've known I wanted to be a theatre teacher since I was in eighth grade, and I never would've stuck to that dream if it weren't for my very own theatre teachers who encouraged and inspired me every day. I believe that they truly changed my life, and I owe them all the thanks in the world.
Thank You For Being My School Parents
When you spend close to twelve hours a day at school and at rehearsal afterwards, you get really close to the people you spend it with. These people become your family away from your family, and your directors become your parents away from your parents. I always knew if I needed anything from my theatre teachers, that they would be there for me willing to help, just like a parent would be.
Thank You For Being Hard On Me
Everyone needs that push sometimes to be better, and my theatre teachers constantly pushed me. They pushed me to audition for things, to improve, to go out for scholarships, and to be a better person. I firmly believe that if it weren't for my teachers pushing me, I wouldn't be at the school I'm at now and wouldn't be pursuing what I am.
Thank You For The Opportunities You Gave Me.
With theatre, there are so many opportunities to get involved wherever you are. My theatre teachers encouraged me to take voice lessons, to take musical theatre classes, to take dance classes, to take directing classes, to assistant direct, to design makeup and costumes, and to get involved in every aspect of theatre. You set me up for success in college, being a theatre education major, and taught me things I will never forget.
Thank Your For Being There For Me
High school is rough, there's no doubt about that. But I knew whenever I walked into my theatre classes, I was walking into a safe space where I was accepted and loved. My theatre teachers were always there for me, whether I was going through a rough breakup, going through a rough time in another class, even if I was upset over running over a squirrel on my way to school that morning. They were a shoulder to cry on and always made sure I was OK.
Thank You For Encouraging Me
My senior year was full of auditions, scholarships and overall stress. My theatre teachers were the ones who pushed me to keep going even when I got rejected from my dream school and supported me when I picked my school. They were the ones always critiquing my audition material and editing my scholarship essays and making it possible to win those scholarships.
Thank You For Inspiring Me
Thank you for inspiring me to become a theatre teacher. Your love and passion for the arts made me realize that this is what I want to do more than anything. Your passion for theatre made me love it in all aspects of it. But more than anything, your passion for theatre education makes me insanely excited to be a theatre teacher and inspire my future students the way that you inspire me. I am forever and eternally grateful for everything you gave me and taught me. I realize that in high school, I may have taken you for granted, but now that I'm in college I am beyond thankful for you and your passion.