Thank The Universe For Screwing Up Your Plans | The Odyssey Online
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Thank The Universe For Screwing Up Your Plans

Things never work out the way you want them to, but they always work out the way that they should.

Thank The Universe For Screwing Up Your Plans

So I have this theory. This theory is that whenever you decide exactly how you want things to go in your life, the universe takes one look at your plans, and laughs right in your face. And you know what I've decided? THAT'S OK!

So many times in my life I have looked toward the sky and cried because all of my best-laid plans have gone terribly awry. It ranges from the smallest of things to the biggest. From not getting a good grade on a test that I studied so hard for, to having friends cancel plans last minute, all the way up to not making the cheer team or even losing my dad. I never planned for any of these things. In fact, I planned against them. I had everything perfectly lined up, and still, somehow I didn't get the outcome I deserved or expected. I dated a boy for three years, I thought he was going to be IT. I was a cheerleader for one year of college, thought it would be a given to cheer the next three. I thought my dad would see me graduate high school and move on to college. And yet, none of these things are true in my life today.

It's taken a lot for me to get to this point today. To be able to appreciate the randomness and even sometimes cruelness of the universe. It's not easy to decide to accept the way that things happen in life, especially when they never seem to happen the way that you want.

But here I am today, a living testament. Hardly anything ever goes the way I want it to, but it always ends up exactly the way it should be. I broke up with my boyfriend of three years, and couldn't understand how this was the plan for my life.

Two months later, I met the love of my life, my future husband. And I smiled, looked up at the sky, and I thanked God for having me and my former boyfriend break up. I was 100% devastated after not making the cheer team again, and I cursed the universe for all of the pain that losing cheer caused me.

And then, one day months later, I woke up and looked at my life, and I thanked God again for having me not make that team. I never recovered from the loss of my dad, and never knew how losing him could really be the plan for my life.

And then, almost six years later, a friend sat on my bed and sobbed about losing her father recently. I was able to talk to her, console her, and most of all, understand her pain.

And once more, I tilted my face upward and thanked God and the universe for making me able to help my friend.

I don't think that we ever truly get to understand everything that happens in this life we have and why. But I think that's the most beautiful part of being human. Things never go the way we plan, and that's honestly a good thing.

So the next time you're cursing your life and wondering yourself a favor.

Say thanks to the universe for screwing up your plans.

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