Have you ever wondered how men can easily move from relationship to relationship without a care in the world?
Men are seen as jerks and inconsiderate pricks because they aren't the ones getting hurt in the end. In reality, what is happening is that women need to step up their dating game. Women need to think like a man. I'm sure that we have all seen ‘Think Like a Man’ the movie. It was a tad accurate on the consequences of learning how men “Think” and how to go about pursuing them. If you were like me and actually read Steve Harvey’s 2009 book, 'Act Like a Lady, Think Like a Man', you would be disgusted by how women should apparently act. Steve Harvey wrote a dating “Bible” series on how to basically please a man. He continued his explanation by, in other words, stating that women should control their sexuality. Apparently women need to make sure they are not perceived a certain way by men. NO! Mr. Harvey you are wrong, leave this topic alone.
Biologically, men and women are different. Men worry about themselves and how they can succeed in life. Women are the complete opposite, we have this annoying, nurturing characteristic that enables us to care for others. Women need to make themselves happy. Find out what your goals, needs, and wants are. Pursuing your own wants and needs by putting yourself first will make you date like a man. Pleasing him is not the number one goal in a relationship, and never should be.
You know that old saying “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket”? This could not be anymore accurate when it comes to dating like a man. Dating one guy at a time is not only boring, but also can cause more heartache in the end. Why settle for one guy? Explore your options and if things get more serious with one guy, then that is your time to have the, “What are we talk” to weigh your options. You only have a limited time to meet Mr. Right, so you have to start eliminating the Mr. Wrongs now. Dating more than one guy will take the pressure and over thinking off of one date. You will be too busy to come off as available or needy.
Speaking about being needy, it's really easy to be seen as desperate. There are two things that can come from not being needy and dating men. You know when to walk away, and being able to play it cool. Realize that people are a certain way and take them for who they are. Yes, women run the world, but that does not mean we have the strength to change a man. Learn when to let it go and move on. Whether he’s an adult baby, has an addiction, or is obviously not over his ex, say bye bye and don't look back. Playing it cool does not mean you're not showing interest, it means you are not over bearing. The less you appear to be interested in a guy, the more attention you will receive. Playing games is not where I am getting at. There is a distinct difference between the two.
Thinking Like a Man means dating like a Man. Dating like a Man entitles a lot of self confidence and maturity. If you can't handle this then back away and go work on yourself. Ladies, gear up and grow a pair.