*cue Jimmy Fallon's Thank You Notes music*
Thank you Donald Trump,
For teaching me to pay attention.
While I think your campaign, election, and subsequent actions as President have been repulsive and an embarrassment to the entire country, I do have to thank you for one thing. Forcing me to pay attention to politics and learn about our "democratic" process. Prior to this entire election I was aware of the major issues but was naive to intricacies of policies, economics, and social issues. I couldn't vote so it was beyond my comprehension. But this summer my political knowledge grew more than I thought it would have to at the age of 21.
Now I know how much of a problem your businesses are...and how your breaking the constitution.
I also know how your plans will hurt the environment, maybe to the point of disrepair.
Thank you for making me want to take college courses that are about political issues and issues in this country. I think you would really enjoy my Race and the City class. You could learn a thing or two about racism in this country.
I know what sources you can trust, and which ones are fake news. A no not everything you don't like is fake news, Donald.
I know now that Russia helped you win the election whether you want to admit it or not.
I know how undemocratic our country truly is. We don't have majority rules. We don't have proportionate representation. We don't have the vote to remove. We can't vote on federal laws. Our system in a lot of ways actually kind of sucks.
I know that reading is the best thing that you can do (you should try it sometime). Headlines are cool to share on Facebook and Twitter (your favorite) but reading the government reports, watching the nominee hearings, these are the things that truly reveal how bad you administration is for our country. I may not like it but I'm glad that I am informed from the environment, to tax breaks, to education, to cyber-security now. Its amazing how much you can learn reading the failing New York Times everyday.
Under President Obama I didn't have to pay attention that much to politics because unemployment dropped, rights across the board were secured, and I was proud to be an American. Now I, along with millions, feel the responsibility to know everything you do and watch everything the government does because we know that this is different. The decisions you are making are bad, in some cases unconstitutional, and they are an embarrassment the country we all share.
You can try to cover up your ideas with vague wording, you can not release your tax returns, you can not acknowledge climate change is real. But you can't ignore the fact that the world is watching, learning, and preparing to stand against you in every poor decision you make. The wall. The refugee ban. The abortion ban. The climate denial. We are watching. Learning. Listening. Marching. Protesting. Campaigning. All thanks to you and your little hands.
So thanks again Donald for making me realize how amazing educating yourself on politics really can be, I love being a snowflake now. Best of luck, and lay off the orange (America's colors are red, white, and blue remember)!
Just another nasty woman.