To Police Officers Across America,
As an average citizen of the United States of America, I see the daily headlines about protests and confrontations with law enforcement, and they make me sick. No police officer is drafted or pulled to duty by the country, instead, they enter the field because they want to make a difference. They work through training, both physical and mental, in order to serve our country and protect our streets of which we walk on a daily basis. Rioting against them, shooting at them, and trying to destroy our police force is not the answer to our nation’s problems.
At this point in your life or career, you may be wondering “why?” and questioning every event that has taken place within our country recently. But your sacrifices could not be appreciated more. On behalf of every citizen of this great nation, I want to say thank you for everything that you do to protect us and our freedoms here. Although it may not always seem like it, you are a hero. You are the men and women who young children look up to. And you are the reason why we are able to go about our everyday lives without worrying about whether or not we are safe. We are safe, because of you and your sacrifices.
Thank you for putting on your suit each day and for saying goodbye to your spouse, children, parents, siblings, grandchildren, friends and loved ones as you leave for work not knowing what your day will bring. These sacrifices, made for your neighborhood, community, county, and country are of utmost importance, and we could not appreciate you more.
Thank you for serving on the front lines of America every day. You are making a profound difference in our country. Children look up to you and wish to become police officers when they grow up because they see the bravery, strength, courage, honor, and patriotism that you possess and display on a daily basis.
Thank you for staying strong throughout the last couple of weeks. Even though you have witnessed protesters and upset citizens kill your friends, coworkers, and brothers, you have managed to put on a brave face and confront the issue head on by going to work and dealing with the protesters that seem to be multiplying by the day. This not what you signed up for, but you continue to stay strong and keep our country safe, and we thank you so much for your bravery.
So, again, on behalf of our country and its citizens, I say thank you for your service and the safety that you provide us with on a daily basis.