Dear Lexi,
As far as friends I still communicate with on the regular, you are my oldest friend. We go all the way back to kindergarten when I sniffed your hair and told you the fruity-smelling stuff your mom put in it smelled good, and you tried to convince me that purple crayons taste like grapes and then ate one to try and prove your point.
We've been through a heck of a lot since those early days. Aside from learning how to read, write and do math, we survived the mean girls in middle school, all of your crappy boyfriends (serious and otherwise) and the rocky transition to college.
We spent practically every day together from fourth grade to our senior year. Not every day was smooth sailing. We had our fair share of awful fights, but the distance brought us closer every single time and I figured that now is the time to offer you the thank you that you truly deserve.
You are one of the strongest, most beautiful, and brave women I know. You're an incredible friend and one of the most important additions to my life. I love you endlessly. Thanks for putting up with my crisis calls and mood swings every day.
Here's to a hundred million more years of friendship!
Your favorite ginger,