It feels just like a normal Sunday afternoon. The sun is shining, and I'm sitting comfortably by a window on the fourth floor of Talley, nose buried in my laptop and books. I occasionally glance down to see some people studying on the lawn, a guy miserably failing at his attempted skateboard tricks, and others eating ice-cream at the picnic tables. Everyone is talking and laughing, and it feels like any other day. But this Sunday is different. It's the day before my last final, the last full day of my freshman year.
I was never very good at goodbyes, but I know for a fact this one will be especially difficult. Even though I know I will be back in the fall, I also know that it's never going to be the same again. I will no longer be able to comfortably use the phrase "I'm adjusting" whenever I mess up, and I'll no longer live on campus, right in the center of everything. My freshman year has been full of memories, both good and bad, but as I sit by this window reflecting on my year, there is no doubt in my mind that I'd do it all again in a heartbeat if I could.
Thank you, NC State:
For dorm life.
Although sharing showers with 30 other girls may not sound like the most appealing situation, I wouldn't trade the friends I've made for the world.
For tailgates at Carter-Finley.
Even though I usually ended up lost and spent half the tailgate looking for my friends, football games definitely bring back some of the best memories.
For the lazy days spent eno-ing at Tucker-Owen beach.
Let's not forget getting hit by flying volleyballs.
For the late night music jammin' and life talks with my roommate.
I love you, Bree.
For Insomnia Cookies delivery and Order-Up.
But really, who isn't thankful for food practically delivered to your door?
For the hundreds of dollars spent on Uber-rides because I didn't have my own car.
Ok, not so thankful for this one...
For all the times I ended up on Fraternity Court or Maiden when I should have been studying.
Freshman year in a nutshell?
For Howling Cow.
Because for those nights actually spent in the library, the cookies and cream milkshakes almost made up for it.
And especially, for all the mistakes.
While I learned a lot from my classes, I can definitely say I learned the most about myself outside of class. Freshman year is all about discovering who you are and what you want out of these four years, and I couldn't have done that without messing up a few times.
So thank you, NC State, for a year full of friendship, laughter, and unforgettable memories. Thank you to everyone who has made this year the best, and although this goodbye is especially sad, I can't wait to see what the next three years bring!