Our parents do countless things for us every day. When we were younger their lives practically revolved around keeping us fed, changed, happy, and not putting gross things into our mouths/stomachs. These days their obligations are more along the lines of helping us figure out how the adult world works. Things like "Hey mom, how do I do taxes?" or "I'm in a rush, can I throw all these things in the washer together?" And they kindly explain it about three times before we actually figure it out.
All of these things pile up and turn into a daily routine and no one really thinks twice about it. Due to this continuous rhythm, we often forget to take time to thank our parents for all of the things they do for us. So with that being said here are just some of the things I want to thank my parents for.
1. Not having a million different little rules
We all had those friends growing up that we really wanted to hang out with but they never could because they spent the majority of their youth grounded. And for what? Sometimes it was for staying up past their bed time, other times it was that they stayed out five minutes past curfew. It seemed to me like they could never win.
Thankfully my parents understood that we aren't drill sergeants and my sister and I hadn't signed up to be in the Army. If I was going to be home a little later than planned, I knew I didn't have to speed home unsafely just to hit that stroke of midnight. All I had to do was keep them in the loop and I was good to go. We had things like bedtimes but I never felt like I had to drop everything and hop in bed.
2. Having the best taste in music
Music is a huge part of our household. Family cleaning day? Crank the stereo. In the car? Hand us the aux.
My sister and I grew up with an entire array of music being played but the majority of the time we were receiving an education in Classic Rock. I am definitely more in tune with the world around me because of the things I know about some of the greatest bands of all time.
Whenever I come out of my room to the stereo blasting I always stop and think how cool it is that I have parents who aren't telling me to turn the music down. You guys are out there turning it up! I also can't relate to those texts from friends saying "ugh, long road trip and I have to listen to my mom's boring music... this sucks."
3. Understanding what it is like to be young
"UGH my parents just don't GET me!!!!" Said every dramatic teen ever, but I said it less.
My parents get it. They lived life to the fullest from high school on and had a really good time doing so. So in high school whenever I wanted to go to a party or drive to the next town over with a friend they understood. As long as I was being safe and communicating well I didn't miss out on things. This was so nice because I got to experience the world and figure out some things before I headed off to college.
4. Getting excited over small things
Because I can't tell you how many times my mom runs in the room screaming "OH MY GOSH OPEN THE CURTAINS!!!" When there was is exceptionally beautiful sunset over the pond. Or how many times she has drug me outside to look at how cool the moon is. Also have to love the countless facebook videos my dad leans over to show me on any given night or the times he gets a good idea for a photograph and knows you're the photography queen.
These little things make for a great pause in an otherwise normal day.
5. Doing all the cheesy elementary school things
Was my mom at EVERY holiday party in elementary school? You bet. Did my dad help me with all those weird projects where you had to build stuff? Of course.
One time in kindergarten for my show and tell I wanted to bring in an entire litter of puppies because go big or go home, right? Most parents would've shut that down real quick, but my mom wheeled an entire wagon of puppies into my school and put up with all the weird things that go along with kindergarteners and animals. We also sat and made the best treat bags every year for Halloween and Christmas.
Thanks for being such a great example of a parent, can't wait to do all this with my kids!
6. Doing my hair every single day until I was in like 5th grade
.... because that couldn't have been fun, but how else would I have gotten my trademark pigtails?
7. Always listening to my rants after a long day
Let's be real, few people can out-talk me. ESPECIALLY when stuff had gone down that day at school.
I'm sure you guys didn't care about the yearbook staff drama or who stole who's boyfriend that week but you sat there and asked questions anyway. A lot of the time the drama I was talking about didn't even have to do with me but you still heard about it anyway and helped me work through all of my teenage stuff.
So for all this and more, I wanted to say thank you! You two are the best parents I could've ever asked for.