Dear Mom,Thank you. There's so much to thank you for, and I fail to give you the appreciation that you deserve every day. From the moment I was conceived, you were determined to take care of me. You ate all the time, even some of those weird cravings that I gave you, and you continued to eat and stay healthy even if I made you throw it up later. You didn't smoke while I was in the womb, you didn't do drugs or drink. You kept me high on the priority list, and I never really thank you enough for that.
When I started growing up you still took care of my older sister and me. I was a picky eater, so you always had to accommodate me at every meal. You also did other things like teaching me life lessons that I still go by today, like being honest, or how to properly pack a bag when going on a trip (and how to keep it down to ONE bag), and the importance of being a strong woman. I definitely get my inner strength from you, and you have taught me how to handle it while still being a respectable human being.
Going through school was fun for both of us. Not only did you watch my knowledge grow, but you encouraged it. Everything I accomplished was a big deal to you, and it made me happy to get your approval. You also helped me through the rough times in school, like my endeavor to graduate early (which I couldn't have done without you), or that time I wet my pants in Kindergarten (with those tight pants... I tried to tell you I had a hard time with the button). Through kindergarten through my college years, you have always been there to encourage me and to help me figure out life. I really have accomplished so much with your help.
Not only am I here to thank you, but I am also here to apologize. There have been so many times when I have made you cry, and I am so sorry. I know I can be difficult, and because we are so alike I really know how to push your buttons. We fight like cats and dogs sometimes, and I always feel terrible afterward. I've made you so angry you won't even talk to me, and it breaks my heart but I know that I mostly deserve it. I have also embarrassed you. From that moment, I dressed myself for sixth-grade Honor's Day (and looked like Vivian from "Pretty Woman" because my friend said it would be cool) to the times when I would yell out in Ingles as a child and make a big deal out of nothing. The funny thing is, every time I knew better and I could hear you telling me NOT to do those things in the back of my mind. I guess that was just my rebellion kicking in (which is another strong trait I inherited from you, don't deny it).
Mom, I couldn't do life without you. I know we get on each other's nerves and I know that I can be a real pain. But I also know that without you by my side there are so many things that I would not have had the courage to do. Thank you for shaping me into a well-rounded, strong, independent, classy yet sassy woman. I love you so much, and I can't tell you that enough. Happy Mother's day to the very best.
Love Always,
Your favorite child