To the person who has been there for me through everything from miles apart, thick and thin, ups and downs, the best times and the worst times, thank you. I really can't say it enough. It wasn't easy but our friendship has done nothing but grow stronger since we parted ways. There are so many reasons our friendship is different but I'm so excited that, against popular opinion, we continued to be close friends through the distance.
In honor of National Best Friends Day about a week ago, I wanted to write a thank you to my long distance best friend. Over the years of being separated, we have both made close friends in our own areas of the world, but that doesn't change the fact that I've called her best friend for so many years. There are so many things I could thank her for, but no one wants to read all of it. So here are some of the biggest things we can all thank our long distance best friends for.
First, thank you for giving me endless amounts of phone calls for hours on end. Even if nothing too exciting happened that day, you are still there to hear me ramble on and on. Phone calls are our time to "hang out" with each other and even though you aren't right beside me, I know you well enough to know what facial expressions you're probably making as a reaction to the drama I'm spilling to you right now. Thanks for always acting like you knew the people I was talking about when you had no idea, but you pretended for me. Thanks for always agreeing with me when I told you that guy was a total jerk and that girl really does have it out for me.
Thank you for giving me a reason to take road trips and go on vacations. The fact that you're farther away gets me out of my small town and keeps me cultured. Any trip to come and see you was worth the time away from the family and dollars spent. Plus, our time together turned from casually living at your house most weekends to limited and more cherished time. We travel hours for just a few days and it seems like it's been forever since we last saw each other. Suddenly, I'm reminded that the voice on the other end of the phone all those times really was you.
Thank you for providing me with a second family. Your parents have been like a second mom and dad to me and I love that they care so much. From the time that I first walked in and used all my proper manners around your family, to now when I know they won't judge me if I'm in my pajamas and still trying to wake up. They know my favorite meals and snacks, so the cabinets were always stocked. Your family is my family and mine is yours, and I love that so much.
Finally, thank you for never judging me. For knowing me through the awkward stages and loving me anyway. The zits and braces never stopped either of us from thinking we were gorgeous, which led us to regret most of what we wore and did, looking back on it today. In the end, there's no one I'd rather have by my side (well, kind of).
Side by side or miles apart, we're still and always will be, best friends at heart!