To my pledge class: It's almost unbelievable to think how we've all grown together for almost three and a half years now as leaders and friends. Three recruitments ago, we were all just confused little freshmen looking for a home and we found one in each other. Thank you for inspiring me and showing me what it means to be a great leader. Thank you for reaching out and being a constant support system even when I didn't realize I needed help sometimes. Thank you for the late nights painting backdrops for lipsync, the countless food, coffee and dessert runs and the endless laughter and support. Our class's dedication and love of our chapter and each other has made it what it is today, absolutely incredible. We only have about 100 days left with each other at our amazing home away from home so let's make them count. Here's to many more memories, lifelong friendships and an unforgettable senior year!
To younger members: I know it may sound cliche to say "enjoy it while it lasts" but really listen to my "old people," senior words of wisdom and enjoy every freaking second of your time in college because it flies by so quickly. Not to say that I didn't enjoy my time in a sorority or in college, but I wish someone would have told me when I was an underclassman just how quickly it all goes by. I wasn't as involved after bid night and most of freshman and sophomore year because I thought "Oh whatever, I have plenty of time to go to events and make friends later." Thankfully I had sisters who cared enough for me to reach out and be my friend when I was around. While I did make most of my close friends later on in the chapter, I wish I had attended every event and gone to every sisterhood that I once was annoyed about. Believe me you'll never regret spending more time with your sisters.
To the new members: Get ready for one of the best decisions you've ever made. You may not know it now but having a sorority full of sisters willing to drop what their doing and help you will allow you to grow into the absolute best and truest version of yourself. While some of you will instantly feel at home and start your lifelong friendships, for others it won't be as instantaneous but remember to just stay open to new friends and ideas you'll find your place in the chapter. Finally, remember that we don't want you to come here and be like us, we want you to come here and be you. Cheesy but still 100 percent true. I can't wait to meet you all! Welcome home!
Delta Love and Mine,