A Thank You Letter To My Mother…
It is hard to wrap words around how grateful I am to have such an outstanding mother like you. I hope this letter can show just how thankful I really am…
Thank you for supporting me. No matter what I do you are always my biggest fan, cheering me on.
Thank you for never judging me. Throughout life, one encounters many hardships, good times and learning experiences. You are always there with an open ear to hear me complain, boast or even gossip about my day’s festivities.
Thank you for being crazy with me. I constantly look forward to our dance sessions, sing=alongs, and “roasting Dad” sessions.
Thank you for disciplining me. The many times I may think I am right, you are always there to show me what is the best path to take. You put me in my place and prepare me for the obstacles that lie ahead.
Thank you for your advice. The statement “Mothers know best” has always been proved truthful. Your advice has helped me get through so much and I know I can always trust you with the world.
Thank you for being my best friend. There are many types of best friends out there. All caring and nice, but there is always that special kind of best friend. The kind that will always have your back, has seen you at your worst and who pushes you to be the best "you" you can be. For me, that is you mom. I know you will be my best friend till the end of time.
Thank you for being you. You are one of a kind. I can only strive to be as hardworking, caring and humble as you. You are my role model, my rock, my mom and BFF all in one! How lucky am I?
Love You more,
Your Daughter