As senior year is winding down, there are many thoughts and emotions that come to me when I think back on my past four years. Every senior can relate to the excitement of almost being free from high school, and preparing to move on to the next chapter of our lives. Despite the eagerness to move on, it is also the best time to look back on all the things our high schools gave us to be thankful for. So to my high school, thank you for all you have done for me these last four years, and all of these other things.
The Uniforms
I never thought I would be thankful for putting on tights, an ugly plaid skirt, and a stiff cotton button down every day. But, I am thankful I never had to think twice about what to wear in the morning, for the hardest choice every day was what color shirt, and what jewelry to wear. I never felt out of place for my outfit not being the cutest, or the most fashionable, and I could walk the halls confidently every day knowing that nobody looks good in the dreaded uniforms.
Short Classes
Having classes that are only 45 minutes long is one of the things I am most thankful for. I'm almost certain I am not the only one out there who barely has the attention span for short classes, never mind longer ones. While I wasn't always happy when I had seven subjects of homework every night, during the day there is no denying the pleasure when a teacher ran out of time for more notes.
One thing I am most thankful for is all of the opportunities high school gave me. Now I could go on about all the cliches about how high school helped me find myself, the opportunities I was given to do so made every day worthwhile. From trying sports and clubs I wouldn't have ever thought of without the small, supportive community, to traveling to South America to help those in need, these last four years have taught me a great deal about myself I would have never discovered anywhere else.
Preparing Me
Countless guidance meetings about SAT's, college, classes, you name it, were more helpful than I thought at the time. I was prepared in the classroom, and outside of the classroom. I learned time management, what to look for, and what not to look for in a college, and never to worry when things become overwhelming because they will all work out in the end. I am leaving high school behind feeling prepared for what comes at me next.
When all is said and done, and I walk across the stage in a few short weeks, I will be thinking of all these things and more. While this chapter of my life comes to a close, and another one begins, I know it wouldn't be possible without the high school experience I had. I have already been asked, "What would you do differently?" and I can honestly answer nothing. So thank you to my high school for making me the person I am, and giving me a solid foundation to build upon as I move forward in my life.