Dear Figure Skating,
I still remember the first time I stepped on the ice. My legs were wobbly, my nose would not stop running, and I fell down a thousand times. After awhile, though, I started to get the hang of it. I felt like I was flying and could do anything when I was on the ice. Every time I would go to the rink, I was so excited, but I didn’t know at the time the importance that figure skating was going to be for me. Like most sports, there are many ups and downs. There were many times where I wanted to throw my skates across the rink and call it a day, and there were other times where I wanted to stay on the ice forever. As I look back on my figure skating career, I don’t think of all the competitions I won, the hours of practice I had to do, or the programs I performed, but all the life lessons I learned from the sport.
Thank you for teaching me discipline.
Endless program run-throughs, countless ballet classes, and hours of conditioning taught me that once you start something you better finish it.
Thank you for teaching me time management.
Figure skating took up a lot of time. I usually had practice for two hours everyday before and after school, plus competitions on the weekends. I also was involved in different extra curricular activities at school and in the community on top of my schoolwork. This helped me learn to manage my time and become a lot more organized.
Thank you for teaching me patience.
Whether learning a new jump, spin, or perfecting a footwork pattern, patience was key. Sometimes I would get it within a week and other times skills wouldn’t come for a year. But the minute I nailed it, that feeling was the best feeling in the world.
Thank you for teaching me dedication.
Figure skating requires lots of time and focus. Sometimes I couldn’t go to a birthday party or a fun school event because I had practice or a competition. I learned to prioritize things in my life in order to achieve a goal.
Thank you for teaching me the value of hard work.
From waking up at 4 AM to go to morning practices to having to do homework in the car on the way home, I learned sometimes you have to utilize every ounce of free time you have in order to get everything done. I didn't have time like other kids my age to sit and watch TV for a few hours each night or to play video games, but I realize now how great of a work ethic have.
Thank you for teaching me humility.
There were competitions that I finished dead last and competitions where I finished first. I learned to except and learn from my losses and be proud of my wins and accomplishments.
Figure skating has taught me many life long lessons that I am going to take with me for the rest of my life. There are many other things to thank figure skating for like:
Thank you for teaching be how to bear the cold. (25 degrees outside, no problem!)
Thank you for teaching me how to do well under pressure.
Thank you for teaching me not to care what people think.
Thank you for the many trips across the country.
Thank you for letting me escape for a few hours everyday.
Thank you for all the friendships I have made.
Thank you for my love of glitter and crystals.
Thank you for my wonderful parents. Figure skating is NOT cheap and I’m glad they let me do what I loved.
Thank you for teaching me how to smile.
And most importantly,
Thank you for teaching me to be me.