If you know me at all, you know that I've been obsessed with Ellen DeGeneres since I was in elementary school (I'm actually watching today's show as I type this). For as long as I can remember, I've come home from school and watched Ellen every day at 4 p.m., while dreaming about getting the chance to go to a taping of her show. Yes, I'll admit it, I have written in multiple times trying to get tickets for my mom and I and have failed to do so every time, but it doesn't hurt to try, right? Now that I'm in college and my class schedule doesn't always agree with what time her show comes on, I don't get to watch as often as I'd like to, but I try and watch it as much as I can. Before I bore you guys to death with this intro, here's just a few things I want to thank Ellen for.
For teaching us to be kind to one another.
With everything going on in the world, we could always use a little more kindness and acceptance, and Ellen is the perfect person to encourage that. If you're a regular watcher of her show, you probably already know that she ends every taping with "Be kind to one another," which is such a simple but powerful way to remind people just to be nice to each other. A little goes a long way.
For teaching us to be ourselves.
For years, Ellen has always reminded us it's okay to be who we are. She's taught us you'll never be too old to dance like a fool on national television, dress up in funny costumes or fight for what is right.
For making us laugh.
Even if it's only for an hour each day, in that hour, Ellen allows us to forget about everything stressful going on in our lives, relax and laugh until we hurt. I look forward to 4 pm each day and I can't thank her enough for that.
For making us cry.
Everyone knows Ellen for being funny, but she's also known for how generous and inspiring she is. For 15 years she's changed people's lives by donating money, paying off their loans, building houses, building schools and much, much more. There isn't an episode where I don't feel inspired to become a better person and there's rarely an episode where she doesn't change someone's life. Ellen has been the voice for the voiceless and has been able to tell the stories of people who haven't had the opportunity to.
For teaching us everything will be okay.
More than anything, Ellen has been the light at the end of the tunnel for millions of people and constantly reminds us that things will get better. No matter your situation, she has always taught us to stay positive.
As for me, I'll keep dreaming until the day I get to meet her or go to a taping of her show, and I'll keep watching until she's off the air.
Thanks for everything, Ellen.