To my lovely coworkers,
When I started working with you, I didn't know anyone in the entire state. But you welcomed me into your lives with open arms. We complained about customers together, worked through problems together, hated the store manager together, and those kinds of things really help you bond. Very quickly, we became more than just work friends, we became family.
Thank you for being my family when mine is 700 miles away. Family isn't perfect. We all get on each other's nerves from time to time (or all the time). Sometimes I hate you and want to scream at you every time you open your mouth. But it's all out of love. We are all very different people in different places in our lives from very different backgrounds. I've learned so much from you. Everything from not judging people because of their past or where they come from, to tolerance and acceptance of those different from you. I will carry the lessons I've learned from you for the rest of my life. Thank you for making me a better person.
Thank you for putting me back in my place when I started to get too sassy. No one likes to hear it, but I appreciate you reeling me back in so I don't lose who I am in the chaos of customer service. You need thick skin to survive this industry, but you should still keep your warm heart.
Thank you for listening (and not judging too much) when I have not one, not two, but three mental breakdowns at work because life can be hard sometimes. I need a little push to talk about what is wrong sometimes, but thank you for giving it to me. Thank you for letting me vent and helping me through the problems I'm facing.
Thank you for not only being my family, but also my friends. For being seen in public with me outside of work when we just need to let loose a little. For owning Cards Against Humanity (and all of the expansion packs) and laughing as hard as me when I think I'm funny, because I am.
Thank you for accepting me for who I am. Without a shred of doubt, I am extremely lucky to have you guys in my life. So thank you.