Football: America’s game. The time of year where families and fans across the United States gather together and cheer on their favorite teams and heckle anyone who likes a different team than them. As a girl, I sometimes feel that people don’t understand my LOVE for football. I tell people that I am an avid football fan, and they look at me with a shocked look on their face like I could be lying to them. For almost 14 years now, I have been completely obsessed with the game. So let me take a minute to explain why I love football so much.
When I was 7, my dad took me (and by took, I actually mean forced me) to go to an Iowa Hawkeye football with him. I left the house kicking and screaming because the last thing I wanted to do was attend a football game outside with thousands of other fans. However, once I got to the game, my attitude changed almost immediately. I loved the roar of the crowd when kickoff time came. I loved the excitement and cheers that went on as our team drove down the field and got the first touchdown of the game. And I even loved the nervous feelings that happened as the score was close as the game neared the end. Ever since that day, I have been obsessed with the game. On Saturdays and Sundays, I make sure that any open time I have is spent watching whatever game is on, regardless of who is playing. I pace during an intense game of Hawkeye football, and I anxiously wait to hear the standings for the week to see if my team has gotten any better in the eyes of the “Committee.”
Football is near and dear to my heart because of the tradition and memories that come with it. This game is something that draws my family together; shortly after that first game that I went to, my sisters and mom joined my dad and I in going to multiple football games per season. I will always have a close relationship with my dad, but it has been closer because of this bond we have because of Iowa Hawkeye football.
So to whoever decides to ask me next, I am extremely well prepared to explain to you that, “yes, I am a girl, and yes, I do love football!”