Growing up, I despised my parents for being so protective. I never understood why they wouldn’t let me go on unsupervised dates, or go to the movies with a group of friends. In fact, it offended me that they didn’t trust my judgment and always assumed that I was up to no good. Well, I think it is about time that I thank them. As much as I hate to admit it, if it wasn’t for their overbearing ways I would not be who I am today.
Thanks for grounding me
Woah, I never thought I would say that… I can’t say exactly why I’m grateful for it, but I’m glad that my parents actually enforced consequences. Now I know that my parents didn’t punish me because they wanted to “ruin my life,” but because they cared about me and they didn’t want me to make stupid decisions.
Thanks for not letting me get my license
When I was 16 I thought it was the worst thing in the world that I couldn’t get my license until I was 18. Most of my friends already had their own cars and drove themselves to and from school and I was so jealous. My parents were crazy busy running in a million different directions and I thought for sure that I could convince them to change their minds, but they refused to budge on this rule. Thank you so much mom and dad. Now I know that if I had gotten my license a day sooner I would have missed out on so much. I did not need that kind of freedom in high school. I have the rest of my life to drive, and I wish I would have realized it sooner. Now I look back on the car rides to and from school with my dad or to choir rehearsals with my mom and I wish I could go back. Driving is so overrated anyways.
Thanks for supervised dates
When I was in high school I found this to be the most annoying rule. I felt that I was all grown up and that my parents should trust me. I begged and pleaded for them to let me go out with guys and they refused. My first dates always started off with, “Hey, I know this is our first date and all but meet my entire family.” My family is so cool though, so I don’t know why it ever bothered me. They didn’t trust me, and they were right in doing so. Let me be completely honest here. Semi-adult me is stupid. Teenage me was really stupid. Now I can’t say that I miss supervised dates, but I do appreciate my parents for this rule.
Looking back, my parents weren’t as crazy as I once thought they were. In fact, I would be lying if I said I won’t raise my kids the exact same way. I am turning into my mother and I am OK with that. I wanted to grow up so fast and be on my own and be independent, and now that I have freedom, I kind of wish that I didn’t. So thank you, mom and dad, for driving me insane and questioning my every move. I'm proud of the person I am today and it is all thanks to you both.