The last three years of my life have been spent in a hectic, hard, aggravating, rewarding exhausting relationship... with nursing school. Now we're getting ready to part ways. I never thought this day would come but I'm finally at the point where I can be without you. I can be on my own. And to be completely honest, I'm kind of scared.
When I made a mistake I was able to lean back on the fact that I'm a student; however, now I'll be going out on my own. While I'm excited, I also know that I am bound to make more mistakes. The problem is that I won't be able to fall on excuses anymore. I've been given the tools to begin my career, but it's my responsibility to grow on my own. To learn from each mistake I make.
Nursing school has given me so many opportunities for growth and I can only hope that I have taken each and every one. I still have a lot to learn and skills to grow into. I've been prepared but now it's time to get things done.
These last three years have given me the grit to take on some of the hardest of challenges. I can walk into a patient's room more confident that I can speak to them like an actual person and not someone just sitting in a bed getting poked and prodded for fun. I can engage with patients and speak to them about what their fears and stressors are while being in the hospital. I can be the person they lean on when they may not have anyone. At the same time, I have grown a backbone and a sense of veracity. I have been able to develop the beginning skills to discern what people are really wanting versus what they actually need.
Nursing school has taught me to really rely on those around you. If I am struggling with something, there maybe someone else struggling 10 times worse. Offering a helping hand goes a long way because more than likely you will get the same offer. With that, not being afraid to ask for that help. I think as new grads we rely on the thought that now we're in the real world, we should never need to ask for help. Wrong. We should be asking questions and requesting help when we need it, but also learning that sometimes we will need to stand on our own two feet and be able to see that we can do this, on our own.
Thank God for nursing school because I have met some of my best friends. Through the pain, sweat, and tears, we have achieved one of our biggest goals. I am so proud of what my peers have accomplished and what their futures hold.
Nursing school has been an incredible journey teaching me new things every day. I have become a better person and nurse because of the struggles I went through and I am blessed to say that it has been worth it. I look forward to stepping into this new chapter.
Thank you, nursing school. You were a pain, but we made it through.