We all have that one friend that no matter what they say or what they do, they constantly are putting you down. With little things, with big things, you name it, they've done it. So here's a thank you to the friend who always put me down.
Hello there old friend,
I hope you are doing well. Honestly, I do. I wanted to take this time to thank you for putting me down over the years. Why thank you, you may ask? Why am I not writing a hateful letter about how much you put me through? Why am I not writing about the many tears and constant self-doubt you put on me? The answer to these questions is because frankly, I'm not you.
Thank you for trying to change me.
If it wasn't for the constant reminder from you on how to be different, I would have never known how much I actually love who I am and who I have become.
Thank you for not always supporting my decisions.
This helped me realize that I don't need other people's approval to do what I want. This helped me see that I am strong and independent.
Thank you for never supporting me when it came to love.
Maybe it was because you have never experienced it or maybe it was because you were jealous, all and all, thank you for always doubting my silly crushes or even my relationships. That led to me find someone who actually loves me for me.
Thank you for always talking down to me.
The way you spoke to me was unheard of, especially from someone who was supposed to be my friend. However, by talking to me like this, you taught me that I deserve to be treated with respect and you clearly couldn't give me that.
Thank you for picking other "friends" over me.
This probably hurt the most. I was supposed to be someone that was important to you. I was so tired of having to compete for your attention like I was a pet. Thank you for showing me that I deserve to be someone's first choice and not their second. (Or third, fourth, fifth or when they just had no one else to talk to.)
Most importantly, thank you for not actually being the friend I needed.
If it wasn't for you always putting me down or treating me like I was nothing, I would not have been able to find the friends that I have now. So thank you for making me the happiest person in the world with the best friends that I could have ever asked for.
Your Ex-Friend Who Is Happier Than She Ever Has Been :)